In Work Package 4 Co-design of integrated energy systems, RES4BUILD partners JIN and BAPE have developed an assessment of Integrated Energy Systems good practices in Poland and the Netherlands.

The objectives of WP 4 are to:
- Pilot a co-design process for developing IES in buildings.
- Engage end users from real buildings
- Introduce their needs in the IES design process.
- Initiate the set-up of regional ‘building upgrading teams’ with local market actors.

In this report it has been argued that a robust and fully integrated IES addresses identified technical, financial, and social barriers (or challenges) of individually implemented energy solutions. This integrated service ideally includes three main components (see below figure):

1.) Technology concept improvement
- Compatible set technologies and practices (integrated turn-key solution)
- Good quality energy monitoring and -performance guarantees (software, legal)
- Robust information and communication structures

2) Financial service innovation
- Financial guidance and solutions

3) Social innovation
- Stakeholder engagement procedures and structures

Depending on the IES market stage of technology demand (i.e. research, development and experiment/pilot phase and the grow/expansion phase, maturity phase, etc.) within a given country there are different policy strategies to pursue.

Further information can be found in the report, which is downloadable from here:

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