WP1 Project management and coordination
Lead: Michael Papapetrou (WIP)
- - Efficient management ensuring progress in-line with the budget & schedule.
- - Risk management & overall strategic project guidance.
- - Project administration, fulfilling all contractual & reporting obligations.
- - Build & maintain effective communication channels within the consortium.
WP2 Development of the innovative technology components
Lead: Kurt Engelbrecht, Christian Bahl, Marvin Masche (DTU)
- - Develop innovative technologies & improve their performance.
- - Adapt them for use in the RES4BUILD system.
- - Develop prototypes of the improved components & characterise them.
- - Validate their models.

WP3 Integrated generation, storage and flexibility management
Lead: Gowri Suryanarayana, Georg Jung, Johan Van Bael, Davy Geysen (VITO)
- - Develop a system numerical model with energy generation & storage technologies.
- - Develop grey-box models for the dynamic thermal behaviour of buildings.
- - Develop Energy Management Strategies to determine the optimal control.
- - Develop simulation platform to balance passive measures & active flexibility control.
WP4 Co-design of integrated energy systems
Lead: Wytze van der Gaast, Eise Spijker, Erwin Hofman (JIN)
- - Pilot a co-design process for developing IES in buildings.
- - Engage end users from real buildings
- - Introduce their needs in the IES design process.
- - Initiate the set-up of regional ‘building upgrading teams’ with local market actors.

WP5 Design and testing of the prototype systems
Lead: Georgios Kosmadakis, Marika Pilou (NCSRD)
- - Design & fine-tune the prototype BEMS.
- - Design & produce the prototype RES4BUILD components & full systems.
- - Test the prototype systems & evaluate the developed technologies.
WP6 Life cycle analysis and validation of the platform
Lead: Michael Jäger, Olivia Jorgji, Rafael Horn (USTUTT)
- - Perform environmental & economic assessments on the technologies & systems.
- - Decision support for development processes & guidance for strategic decisions.
- - Provide LCA models & consistent economic models for simulations & co-development.
- - Validate the simulation platform using the performance data.

WP7 Impact assessment, market analysis and business models
Lead: John Burgess, John Smyth, Christa de Vaan (Arup)
- - Assess the potential impact of the project through advanced building models.
- - Conduct a detailed regulatory & market analysis.
- - Develop business models for the optimal use of the system.
WP8 Communication, dissemination and knowledge transfer/exploitation
Lead: Eva Greene (ERINN)
- - Promote the project activities & results beyond the consortium.
- - Ensure efficient data & knowledge management, facilitating open access.
- - Ensure suitable IP management strategies & processes are applied.
- - Capture key messages & outcomes for active knowledge transfer to key target users.