May 20, 2020
Get involved in the Green Deal call

Get involved in the European Green Deal call which aims to mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition.

May 18, 2020
Have your say on the future of EU energy infrastructure

The Commission has today launched a onsultation on the review of the EU rules on trans-European energy infrastructure.

May 12, 2020
Solar Manufacturing Accelerator

SolarPower Europe is launching the “Solar Manufacturing Accelerator”, a platform aimed at accelerating the deployment of solar PV manufacturing projects in Europe.

May 8, 2020
EC seeks H2020 Energy Efficiency call evaluators

The EC is looking for experienced professionals to evaluate and recommend proposals for funding under the H2020 Energy Efficiency Call for Proposals.

May 8, 2020
Call for improving energy efficiency in Polish schools

The Polish call for applications for co-financing projects for "Improving energy efficiency in school buildings" supplemented by RES technologies opened in April 2020.