The pilot system of RES4BUILD in Greece was running for almost one year, serving the real heating and cooling needs of a 103m2 building at the NCSRD campus. The system brought together the various innovative components to test the full system, combining novel CPVT panels, a vapour-compression heat pump, BTES and building energy management systems.
All test results until the 18 April 2023 have been processed and included in a final deliverable (D5.4), together with the results of the three other pilots. The final report will be made available on the RES4BUILD website results page.
Although the project has officially ended on 30 April 2023, the tests will continue to collect more results at different settings and with various control parameters, contributing to the project goal of decarbonising energy use in buildings.
Other related outputs such as publications and articles are also available on the Results page, for more infomation see: