New Project Publication
"Optimal control of a heat pump-based energy system for space heating and hot water provision in buildings: Results from a field test." by Brida V. Mbuwir, Davy Geysen, George Kosmadakis, Marika Pilou, George Meramveliotakis, Hermen Toersche is now available.

RES4BUILD Project Comes to a Close
Over the last four years the RES4BUILD team has been working hard to support the transition to a clean energy future, developing integrated renewable energy-based solutions and tailoring them to the needs of users and installers. The project aimed to increase the uptake of such solutions for heating and cooling in buildings.

Building Integrated Energy Cluster
Integration of renewable energy systems at the building scale is a crucial step towards achieving climate neutrality. The newly formed Building Integrated Energy Cluster (BIE) has joined forces towards this objective.

Project Key Achievements Booklet Available
Over the last four years the RES4BUILD team has been working hard to support the transition to a clean energy future, developing integrated renewable energy-based solutions and tailoring them to the needs of users and installers. With the project ending in April 2023, a key achievements booklet was published.

Modeling of an Integrated Renewable-Energy-Based System
New project publication in Energies - Modeling of an Integrated Renewable-Energy-Based System for Heating, Cooling, and Electricity for Buildings.

Pilot Tests at NCSRD Completed
The pilot system of RES4BUILD in Greece was running for almost one year, serving the real heating and cooling needsof a 103m2 building at the NCSRD campus.

Performance Evaluation of Novel CPVT Solar Collector under Quasi-Dynamic Conditions
New project publication available in Energies.

Modalities for local building upgrading with IES
This report provides a framework to help groups of users and/or owners with the ambition to improve the buildings’ energy performance. The focus is on buildings that are used/owned by different stakeholder groups.

IES co-design: Results and lessons in the built environment in Poland and in the Netherlands
One of the objectives of the project RES4Build to engage relevant stakeholders in co-designing low-emission Integrated Energy Systems (IES) for meeting current needs and future expectations in buildings. For that, co-creation processes have been conducted in seven buildings, four in Poland and three in the Netherlands.

Market Analysis and Business Models
Task 7.2 ‘Market analysis and business models’ analyses 8 specific potential markets in the EU to enhance adaptation and prepare for business cases to assure optimal use of the system in each target market.